Frank Sinatra Film May Get Up With Martin Scorsese And Leo DiCaprio

Frank Sinatra Film May Get Up With Martin Scorsese And Leonardo DiCaprio

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Industry talk is that the Frank Sinatra bio pic that Martin Scorsese pitched around town a few years ago is still very much on the cards to become a reality.

It was during the promoting period of his Hugo, genius director Scorsese slipped in that he was indeed going to get back to a new version of a Sinatra movie script he's had on the back-burner for a while.

DiCaprio was mentioned by name to play the lead. Rumours state Leo would not sing, as no one could ever do Frank better than Frank, so Leo would just lip sync the singing parts - not something Leo is all that much of a custom of doing, so hopefully the public (and investors) will buy into that.

Much like Sinatra, Leo likes to gamble at casinos a bit too, most recently spotted at The Star (formally Star City Casino) in Sydney, Australia, and last year Leo played some Hollywood poker for high stakes with friends including Tobey Maguire (Spider-Man), that made international headlines when the legalities of the games came into question.

It's understood that the Sinatra family have final script approval.

The first script presented too much of Sinatra's dark side to get to the next round, whereas this time around things appear to be sailing more smoothly.

The Sinatra Family have been interested in further developing their Frank Sinatra Enterprises, with games (via Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment) and memorabilia (Mattel etc) also part of a solid business model, and a movie deal would certainly get things to the next level.'

The Media Man agency, based out of Australia, will be following up the story in the coming weeks. As Sinatra said 'Hell hath no fury like a hustler with a literary agent.'


Tobey Maguire Pays $80,000; Lawsuit Settled Over High-Stakes Hollywood Poker Games, by Greg Tingle - 28th Novemember 2011

,Tobey Maguire (aka Peter Parker from Spider-Man) has reached an $80,000 settlement with U.S prosecutors over his involvement (playing) in high stakes Hollywood Poker games.

Earlier this year, the popular actor was one of 22 punters sued for winning money in allegedly illegal poker games from a Beverly Hills hedge fund top brass who was convicted of running a Ponzi Scheme. This past Wednesday, the parties filed court papers in bankruptcy court revealing that Maguire has agreed to part with $80,000 to be released from ongoing litigation meant to recoup money for those who got duped by the fraud.

Maguire was one of many Hollywood insiders who participated in high-stakes poker games at lush Beverly Hills hotels with Brad Ruderman, the CEO of Ruderman Capital Partners.

His good mate and poker playing pal, Leonardo DiCaprio, is understood to be pleased that he wasn't fined, and is being discrete about his gambling (and women), as much as the press might try to juice things up.

Ruderman was later convicted of wire fraud and investment fraud and is now locked up in a Texas jail as the trustee of Ruderman Capital attempts to locate as much as possible of the $25 million allegedly lost in these Hollywood poker games. Among the other celeb identified in a lawsuit launched last June were The Notebook director Nick Cassavetes, Welcome Back Kotter star Gabe Kaplan, and record label owner Cody Leibel. Other stars including Leonardo DiCaprio and Ben Affleck were also reportedly involved in the poker games, with $50,000 buy-ins (but they were not sued).

Maguire allegedly pocketed more than $300,000 in poker, but in the lawsuit, the bankruptcy judge alleged the poker was unlicensed and that the winnings were ill-gotten gains from Ruderman's clients.

On Wednesday, in court filings, the trustee revealed a settlement with Maguire. Per the agreement, the star of Spider-Man paid $80,000 and represented to the best of his knowledge that he has not received any more monies than those poker winnings from Ruderman. Maguire also disavows any knowledge of the Ponzi scheme and agrees not to make any claim on the bankrupt estate.

The settlement will need to be approved by a judge. A hearing date of Dec. 21 has been put down to consider the motion for settlement.

According to the court paperwork, the parties entered into a settlement agreement to avoid the expense and risk of further litigation. In making the case that the settlement represents the best interests of the estate, Howard Ehrenberg, the Chapter 7 trustee for Ruderman Capital points out that the lawsuit raised "several complex issues of law and fact," including "whether Maguire provided value to the Debtor in relation to the poker games and whether certain of the transfers from Ruderman to Maguire constitute funds of the Debtor."

Maguire signed the settlement agreement himself on Nov. 18, and if approved by the judge, he will be released from ongoing case. Maguire was represented by Robert Barta at Rosoff Schiffres & Barta.

Hollywood poker players are understood to be laying low, until the case blows over, with some stars being advised to stay clear of poker for a while to help keep them away from potential problems..


Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire told to ease off high stakes poker, by Greg Tingle

Now we know another reason that movie stars Leo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire have enjoyed quite a bit of their time in 'Sin City' Sydney, Australia - they like a punt, and are fans of Australian land based casinos, with The Star being at the top of their list for the meantime. It's not known for certain if the twosome have played poker or gambled on Australian soil, but take a wild guess.

Many Hollywood (and AussieWood) stars love to gamble, and high-stakes poker is one of their favourite games. Privacy is high on their priorities and it's known that some forms of gambling don't sit well with the law in some parts of the world, including in the United States.

It's understood that Tobey Maguire and mates Leonardo DiCaprio and Ben Affleck are long time high stakes poker fans and may have participated in quite a few private games played mainly in Los Angeles and New York.

The word is that the FBI is probing into alleged Russian mob connections to those big dollar games.

A few months ago there was a lawsuit filed against Maguire claiming a big Wall Street investment guy paid his gambling debts with funds inappropriately acquired from his firm’s investors.

A longtime associate of both DiCaprio and Maguire is understood to have said "As much as those boys love to gamble, they don’t need this kind of hassle...It seems clear that a number of very unsavory people have used their own huge wealth to weasel their way into those games.

"No one needs a Frank Sinatra problem these days," added the leak, referring to the Mafia connections that followed Ol’ Blue Eyes most of his life.

DiCaprio and Maguire are currently enjoying a working holiday of Australia and both gents have been spotted at The Star (entertainment complex and casino - ex Star City Casino) more than once.

'Our Leo' is staring in The Great Gatsby. Maguire is not working Spider-Man, but has a number of exciting projects in the works. May the best player, er, actor Win.

All of this while online gaming companies such as Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment, which owns the World Poker Tour, attempts to get the green light from the US government to offer Americans totally legal online poker games.

Media Man is following up the story, and understands that McGuire is close to coming to terms with prosecutors on the Hollywood Poker investigation.


Frank Sinatra Film May Get Up With Martin Scorsese And Leonardo DiCaprio, by Greg Tingle -
27th November 2011

Industry talk is that the Frank Sinatra bio pic that Martin Scorsese pitched around town a few years ago is still very much on the cards to become a reality.

It was during the promoting period of his Hugo, genius director Scorsese slipped in that he was indeed going to get back to a new version of a Sinatra movie script he's had on the back-burner for a while.

DiCaprio was mentioned by name to play the lead. Rumours state Leo would not sing, as no one could ever do Frank better than Frank, so Leo would just lip sync the singing parts - not something Leo is all that much of a custom of doing, so hopefully the public (and investors) will buy into that.

Much like Sinatra, Leo likes to gamble at casinos a bit too, most recently spotted at The Star (formally Star City Casino) in Sydney, Australia, and last year Leo played some Hollywood poker for high stakes with friends including Tobey Maguire (Spider-Man), that made international headlines when the legalities of the games came into question.

It's understood that the Sinatra family have final script approval.

The first script presented too much of Sinatra's dark side to get to the next round, whereas this time around things appear to be sailing more smoothly.

The Sinatra Family have been interested in further developing their Frank Sinatra Enterprises, with games (via Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment) and memorabilia (Mattel etc) also part of a solid business model, and a movie deal would certainly get things to the next level.'

The Media Man agency, based out of Australia, will be following up the story in the coming weeks. As Sinatra said 'Hell hath no fury like a hustler with a literary agent.'



Leonardo DiCaprio Sydney Party In Kings Cross Sin City Sydney; 80 Women, by Anonymous -
21st November 2011

Leo DiCaprio is starting to let it all hang out (well sort of in a fairly private way) in 'Sin City' Sydney, and in what better way than a party at an Kings Cross exclusive nightclub, followed by "after party" (I can't get much more specific - sorry Gals and Guys).

One may wonder if 'Our Leo' is trying to really nail the Jay Gatsby character for real, or is it more of a Hugh Hefner (in his prime) influence? Whatever the case, Leo sure knows how to throw a party, be it at a hot Kings Cross nightclub or on Room X of The Star (formally known as Star City Casino). The gamble to attend for sure many pretty young things (and a couple of slightly older and beefy ones) sure paid off handsomely. I'm still hurting (in a very good way). Oh god, my legs, my ass, my head, but it was worth it.

Just a week after celebrating his 37th birthday in the US, Leonardo DiCaprio held a down under birthday party last Flirty Friday night at his favourite 'Sin City' Sydney nightclub, Beach Haus in 'M+' rated Kings Cross. Some party-goers were still going strong some 24 hours later, but by that stage that party had spilled over in a delicious way to 'Room X' at The Star and at other undisclosed location. My girlfriend swears she counted about half a dozen condom packets scatted across the penthouse floor, with Ansell 'Lifestyles' looking to be the order of the day. I can recall a few jokes being shared about Ethan not "getting any" for a while, and this got the ladies' sympathy vote. Ethan lapped it up and the only complaint noted came a few hours later, apparently Ethan having a sore tongue and jelly legs. The word is that he slept in to about Noon.

Beach Haus was basically closed off to the public at large and a line of 80 something leggy and busty blondes and brunettes stretched down Roslyn St. We were in the mix with friends from Australia's Next Top Model. Darlings, I know you want a couple of names so here goes...Lola Van Vorst, Tahnee Atkinson, Rebecca Jobson and Alyce Crawford. The music was R'n'B tunes and gangster rap, and we made our own "music" later in the wee hours of the morning.

The club went all the way baby for DiCaprio who lifted the smoking ban, allowing the man of the moment - the too sweet to be sour one to enjoy his cigars, and believe us, the cigs did not hurt Leo's chances with the ladies one little bit. Lukas Haas (Inception) and former My Name Is Earl comic Ethan Suplee, kept close by to Leo, and why wouldn't they, such is his good luck, good looks and all that. That trifeca of boys was enough to make any girl go "oh ah more please."

The Great Gatsby co-star Tobey Maguire was spotted in a separated dance floor sector drinking water roughly 3am. The party at Beach Haus went on for hours and to our delight a couple of friends and I were told we were invited to join Leo and friends at The Darling - The Star casino, and a phone number was later supplied. Sure enough, the limos arrived, and we were on route to The Star. Talk about hitting the jackpot.

Come Saturday night, birthday boys DiCaprio, Suplee, Haas and a spread of others were seen at King's Cross new eatery Barrio Chino before darting across the road for a drink.

By all accounts Scorpio DiCaprio still has a delightful sting in his tail, and Spidy Maguire hasn't lost his touch in spinning his web. They boys sure know how to make a spine tingle and experience heaven from head to toe. My girlfriend, manfriend and I still have a bit of sore neck and booty-licious, but man was it worth it.

By all accounts Scorpio DiCaprio still has a delightful sting in his tail, and Spidy Maguire hasn't lost his touch in spinning webs as well. My girlfriend, manfriend and I still have a bit of sore neck and booty-licious, but man was it worth it.

My man doesn't ever let me get shared with anyone else, however they do say that the exception proves the rule - thank god. It's said that 2 is a party, and 3 is a crowd, but in this case a bakers dozen and 83 was a party of orgasmitic proportions.

If my writings seem a bit blurred here, its because they are. I'm still cumming down from a massive high, and I was rocked and rolled like never before. Please Leo, do invite us to come over again soon... just the three of us if you prefer, but I do have another very friendly girlfriend I would like you meat too.

Jay Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald and maybe even the late J. Edgar would be proud.


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